Monday, April 27, 2009
Today was quite interesting! We did rehearsals for the spring play from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. We are going to be performing Treasure Island, and I am Captain Long John Silver. Don't forget that! I have a pretty legit sword fight with Manny Boston, and it is always a blast dialoguing with my brother (figurative), Zach Brown. The play is in two days. Ahh!! Of course we are nervous! We have a few more needed days of practice, but it should great! I got to hang out with Britt, my gf, and our friend Alexis too! Kickstand! Wow! There is a ton of catching up to do because this year has probably been the best year of my life thus far!! Deuces!
Labels: Play Practice
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tommorow is the day of the Muddy Buddy Race! Myself and my uncle participated in it last year, and we're ready for the race tomorrow! I am now a sophomore and attending HCS.
Basketball season is around the corner and I am really excited about that. Today my travel basketball team played two games at Colton High School. We went to work and won both of the games. Well, time to rest up for the race tomorrow. Here is a picture from last year's race.

Basketball season is around the corner and I am really excited about that. Today my travel basketball team played two games at Colton High School. We went to work and won both of the games. Well, time to rest up for the race tomorrow. Here is a picture from last year's race.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Wow! It has been an amazingly long time since I last wrote on this! Well, shall I give a brief summarization of the past months of my life? First of all, our cross-country won the league championship for the first time in 19 years. Pretty awesome if you ask me. First quarter went pretty well and now we are almost done with the semester! (Bea hates school!). Now I am on the basketball team at my school and I am so excited for our first game on Friday! I must be off on my way.....much homework and little time!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Well, summer is flying by! Man! I am going to Hesperia Christian for high school and I am both nervous and excited! G2G
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
School is out for summer! Yes!
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Whatcha doin???? Nuttin chillin up in Lake Arrowhead. Who u wit?? My ninja matt u can call him my frend. Whatcha gon do? talk 2 best buds and just laught till the end.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Yesterday was my birthday and I am now 14! Ha Ha! I went to John's Pizza for my birthday, but I had a party last Sunday. Well class is over!
Friday, April 22, 2005
Man I can almost smell summer! I can't wait! This weekend should be fun though because I have 4 basketball games and my aunt is having a baby shower. Well, I am in computer class and it is about to end
Thursday, April 07, 2005
I don't think I mentioned on this website what I just recieved. Well, I got a job! I tutor kids in the morning at my school. It ios so awesome. I recieved my first paycheck a month ago!!
CyA LaTeR!
CyA LaTeR!
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Hey guys, right now I'm just relaxing in my computer class. School has been going by really quickly and it is almost summer. I haven't updated my site in so long, but I guess I have another site now that i accidently created. Check it out!
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
YeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaawwwww! Hello everybody. Sorry for not updating in like 6 mos. Well today I am in Bishop CA with my dad's boys basketball team. Hesperia (the b-ball team) has already won one game and needs to win today to get into the tournament finals. Well as you could guess I am on Christmas break and this Christmas was the best one ever. Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause (my dad and mom) got me a new Yamaha ATV Raptor. I have riden it for about two days now and it is so much fun. Right now it has a safety mechanism that won't let me go full throttle so I haven't been able experience its full speed. I hope everyone had a wondeful Christmas and I hope to update soon.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Summer is almost over :( for me.
I am here at my uncles house visiting my family. The reason why I haven't updated in a long time is because I forgot my password. Well dinner is about to start cya!
I am here at my uncles house visiting my family. The reason why I haven't updated in a long time is because I forgot my password. Well dinner is about to start cya!
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Yay!!! I finally figured out how to use new blogger. Well, my school year is almost coming to an end and I can't wait. Just one more week. On Monday I get to go to Raging Waters so....... Hah! Well I g2g. L8r.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
I have been very busy lately so I haven't been updating. My dads team lost in the semifinals and their season came to an end. Right now I am at my Aunt's house in Oxnard visiting my family from North Carolina. You can see my cousin in the Doh! picture. Lately ay my school I was elected by the student body for 7th grade site council. My first meeting is on Monday and I am anxious to see what it is about. I'm also on the track team at school trying to stay in shape for basketball. Hope every1 is enjoying life !!!
I have been very busy lately so I haven't been updating. My dads team lost in the semifinals and their season came to an end. Right now I am at my Aunt's house in Oxnard visiting my family from North Carolina. You can see my cousin in the Doh! picture. Lately ay my school I was elected by the student body for 7th grade site council. My first meeting is on Monday and I am anxious to see what it is about. I'm also on the track team at school trying to stay in shape for basketball. Hope every1 is enjoying life !!!
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Yesterday was a great day for the Vargas Family!!! My dad had a game with his girl's varsity basketball team in the third game of the playoffs, and I had a championship tournament for my Jr. team. As of yesterday my team was crowned best in the desert. We had to play against our rivals in the semi- finals. I had 20 pts. and we won by one point. Then in the championship we beat Ranchero Middle School by 4 in overtime. After all of this madness we had to shoot down on a bus to Mark Keppel High School. Hesperia(my dad's team) won by one point beating a team that had the best high school female point guard that I have ever seen. She had it all, court awareness, shooting, ball handling and defense. With out a doubt she could play for a college any day. It truly was an exciting day!!!